[pct-l] Tarptent Rainbow - questions

Diane Soini of Santa Barbara Hikes diane at santabarbarahikes.com
Wed Dec 26 12:24:02 CST 2012

I don't have a definitive answer for your tent question, but I can  
tell you that the PCT is very windy, at least the whole entire So Cal  
section. It can often be windy enough to drive people to quit the  
trail. There have been several nights for me and Trailhacker where it  
was too windy to set up a shelter, but also raining.

I've found that for my Gossamer Gear One tent that the small titanium  
stakes work okay on the corners but the front and back lines need  
much more substantial stakes. On the trail I used a stake shaped like  
a Y for the front and a large aluminum hook stake for the rear. I  
found these on the trail. I piled large rocks on top of all stakes  
for the wind. Since then Trailhacker and I have purchased two very  
large aluminum nail stakes for the front and rear of our Lunar Duo.  
These hold very well.

On Dec 26, 2012, at 10:00 AM, pct-l-request at backcountry.net wrote:

> From: Anne Estoppey <anne_estoppey at yahoo.com>
> Subject: [pct-l] Tarptent Rainbow - questions
> Hello everybody,
> Checking out closely my new Rainbow Tarptent (single). Something I  
> couldn't figure out, not even from the video on their website: at  
> each CORNER and INSIDE the tent, there is a small plastic snapping  
> thingie attached to a short elastic band. What are these for? I  
> cannnot see where I could snap them to inside the tent.
> Another question: should I really get extra pegs and cords for the  
> sides of the tent against strong winds?
> I am in New Zealand at the moment. It seems that extra titanium  
> pegs are nowhere to be found here. Same for buying extra cord...
> Thanks for your help,
> cheers :-)
> Anne

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