[pct-l] Snow compared;

Andrea Dinsmore andrea at dinsmoreshikerhaven.com
Mon Dec 24 15:30:13 CST 2012

We used to have about 20-25 SOBO each year. When the Govt threatened the
hikers with a $5,000 fine and a year in the clink.....the numbers dropped
to just a couple each year. Some try to go in from Rainy Pass and hike
north to the border and then back but the food logistics are a pain. My
opinion.....if the Govt was so worried about the terrorists they could post
someone at the monument for a month and check papers and ID there. After
that the SOBO would be through. There's always going to be a few brave
souls who hope they don't get caught and walk South anyway. Snow for the
SOBO was usually passable by early to mid June.

Andrea Dinsmore

On Mon, Dec 24, 2012 at 12:04 PM, shon mcganty <smcganty at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Also, the Washington cascasdes is getting 150-250% of the average amount
> of snow for this time.  However, it's still early in the snow season, but
> those going SOBO may was to take note.

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