[pct-l] Granite Gear Bag- Experience?

Glen Winters glenbwint at yahoo.com
Sun Dec 23 00:17:50 CST 2012


Ive used the Granite Gear Vapor Trail for about 8 years now with over 4,000 PCT trail miles total and I'm on the second pack not bag. The first one lasted 4 years before wear and sun damage made it fall apart and not just at the seams it was one repair or more at every trail town. Don't know what I'll do when my second vapor trail dies, as about the only difference I see in the new model is an upgraded price. The only reason for changing packs for me is I can hike with a smaller volume bag now(don't forget the bear can size), after a few years of changing the gear I carry, otherwise if it fits and is comfortable with weight in it for you then its a fine pack. Definitely test drive a pack with weight in it, Bring some water bottles and walk around the store for 30 minutes, if its kinda uncomfortable it will only get worse.


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