[pct-l] Resupply points

CHUCK CHELIN steeleye at wildblue.net
Thu Dec 13 10:24:30 CST 2012

Good morning, kelsocurtiss,

Distributing resupply boxes to locations along the PCT ahead of time is
functionally no different than preparing those same boxes at home and
having them shipped at intervals later.

I am fortunate in having a skilled and experienced logistics manager – wife
– at home.  At every resupply stop I call home and let her know what I want
for the stop-after-next; because supplies for the next stop are already
there or soon will be.  All I have to tell her is, 1) how many day’s food I
need, 2) the number of Calories per day, and 3) anything out-of-profile she
should add or omit.

By preparing boxes ahead there is little or no opportunity to change the
contents if one finds that more or less food is necessary, if one comes to
strongly crave or dislike some commodity, or if some additional piece of
gear should be sent.

It seems to me that any initial shipping savings would be balanced by
losses related to too much food, too little food, food that is out of
favor, or food that has gone funky in storage; most of which necessitates
buying items locally.

Enjoy your planning and your trip,


-Hiking the Pct since before it was the PCT – 1965



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