[pct-l] 2663 stickers

Eric Lee saintgimp at hotmail.com
Thu Dec 6 17:16:15 CST 2012

Robert wrote:
Does anybody have a source for oval stickers, with a white background and
black numbers, the numbers simply reading "2663" (implicitly, miles hiked on
the PCT)?  This would be an analog to the stickers "26.2" that marathoners
put on the back of their car to identify themselves.

I think this is an interesting idea but the problem is that the mileage of
the PCT is always in flux so I don't know how much of a "secret handshake"
the number 2663 would be.  For starters, it is (or was until this year) only
2,654 miles from border to border.  The rest of the trail on the Canadian
side is technically an access trail, not the PCT itself.  Most people have
to walk it, though, so it could be argued either way.

Second, reroutes add or remove to the mileage so it's constantly changing.
For example, the new bridge over the Suiattle river adds a new ~5 miles to
the PCT, as I understand it, unless you opt for the log crossing shortcut
near the old bridge site.  As a general rule of thumb, most people just
round it off and say the PCT is 2,650 miles long and leave it at that.
That's the number I'd be most likely to recognize as meaningful to me if I
saw it on a sticker.


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