[pct-l] Public Announcement - Fluorescent Stake Painting Upgrade

hiker97 at aol.com hiker97 at aol.com
Tue Apr 24 13:16:10 CDT 2012

A new upgraded product will be available at the Pirate's Lair/Roost at campsite #22 at the Kickoff this Friday (don't forget the SuperSecret seminar on Friday at 2:30 PM) and Saturday.  Now you can get your shelter stakes painted with CLEAN METAL PRIMER.  This makes the paint last much longer on your shelter stakes.  Of course, the clear coat over spray will still be applied after the paint dries.  This gives a bright neon orange ULTIMATE FINISH.  No more lost shelter stakes!

Even though there are significant increases in my costs to do this new procedure, you pay no more than before.  This is just another example of Switchback's commitment and dedication to the PCT community.  All products and services still come with my world famous 150% money back guarantee with no questions asked.  Nooooooooo one else offers this.

I thank you.  Your obedient servant and trail knave,

Switchback the Trail Pirate

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