[pct-l] Sierra Solo

Diane Soini of Santa Barbara Hikes diane at santabarbarahikes.com
Mon Apr 23 19:44:46 CDT 2012

I found it to feel so safe that I felt unsafe when in town. When in a  
'civilized' place, as a woman, there are far more predators around  
than when on the trail. I was always glad to return to the trail.

Back in my olden days, I did not have electronic gadgets other than  
transistor radios, which were always against the rules, and somehow  
survived every backpacking trip even though the leader always got us  
lost. So I don't feel a personal urgency for electronics. It is fine  
if people want to bring them, and I carried a cellphone so I am not  
against them. I just don't believe in telling people they are  
irresponsible if they don't have some kind of device. It wasn't  
irresponsible in 1972.

Enjoy the solitude. It's a great gift.

On Apr 23, 2012, at 10:00 AM, pct-l-request at backcountry.net wrote:

> Thanks everyone for the input, as always I will take the old adage  
> to heart
> that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of the cure, and  
> basically not
> do anything particularly risky. In part I was seeking advice, but  
> mostly I
> wanted to look for like-minded individuals' opinion of the relative  
> safety
> of this trip. I'm sure you guys are the in the same situation where  
> our
> friends, coworkers, and family members consider it crazy to sleep  
> in a tent
> in the back yard, so I needed some support for my idea from elsewhere.
> As for the SPOT, I plan to hike as if I don't have it, but to know  
> that I
> have it will give me a measure of confidence that should I fall 60  
> feet and
> beak my hip and feet, I don't have to hope for a miracle.
> -Matt

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