[pct-l] Death in the family
Tortoise73 at charter.net
Tue Sep 20 19:09:04 CDT 2011
There is no need to apologize. My sympathies to you and the rest of your
Mother's survivors.
You have contributed so much to the hiker community. How you can keep doing
this is beyond me. Manyu, many thanks.
<> Because truth matters.<>
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On 2011.09.20 12:29, ned at mountaineducation.org wrote:
> Over the past several months our voice here at Mountain Education has grown quieter, then altogether absent from discussions that we would have loved to join. During this time my 80yo mother's health took a turn for the worst.
> After a lengthy, six-year battle against skin cancer, heart problems (leading to various meds, a new heart valve, and a pacemaker), vascular insufficiencies (unto the possible loss of her leg), and osteoporosis (causing numerous falls and broken bones and hips), she passed away three weeks ago and the family celebrated her life (very East Coast and "proper") this last Saturday.
> I was responsible for her medical care and that took a lot of time and was very emotionally draining. We have now set her to rest beside her husband who died of cancer 42 years ago and can get back to helping the hiking community and running Mountain Education.
> For all those who have been frustrated in not finding this winter's Basic Snow Course schedule or who have emailed asking to sign up for the Course, we offer our apologies and will get back to you right away, now!
> Fall represents a time for all of us here at Mountain Education to get caught up on our medical training and take classes from our local Community College on Mountain Safety, the info from which we can pass on to all of you through our Courses. So, as we all get ready for another early and heavy winter (La Nina is still in effect, so they say), we'll work on our training as you get ready for yours!
> Again, we apologize for our silence over the past few months...
> "Just remember, Be Careful out there!"
> Ned Tibbits, Director
> Mountain Education
> South Lake Tahoe, Ca. 96150
> P: 888-996-8333
> F: 530-541-1456
> C: 530-721-1551
> http://www.mountaineducation.org
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