[pct-l] A plan for detouring around the Sierras

Eric Lee saintgimp at hotmail.com
Mon May 23 02:08:44 CDT 2011

Evenstar wrote:
Due to a number of factors, I've decided to detour around the Sierras. I
know this is sacrilegious to some, but there are factors both within and
beyond my control that make this the most sensible option for my hike. The
mountains will be there, and it means that I get to ENJOY the remaining 1500
miles of my hike this year without stressing about being able to get home on
time AND I get to come back next summer. How lucky am I?!?

If you're under schedule pressure then saving a section of the trail for
later makes perfect sense.  Much better to enjoy a low-stress hike than to
kill yourself trying to accomplish the impossible.

However, if you're skipping the Sierra with the thought that there will be
less snow and easier hiking up north, make sure you do some research before
you hop on the train.  In many years the total snow cover is similar between
the Sierra and the more northern trail, even though the northern trail is
lower in elevation, so flipping ahead doesn't buy you much.  I can't say for
sure what this year will be like (haven't been paying much attention to
northern California and Oregon) but in Washington we're definitely having a
cold and wet spring so the snow is sticking around.

Not saying that you have a bad plan, just wanted to make sure you understand
what to expect.


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