[pct-l] Missng hiker in the North Cascades

Bob Bankhead wandering_bob at comcast.net
Mon May 16 23:44:25 CDT 2011

Today has been a bad day for PNW hikers. First the lady who reportedly fell
off Baden Powell, and now this. 


Folks, this is NOT a normal weather year, and like the sea, these mountains
are not inherently dangerous, but they are totally and completely
unforgiving of the slightest mistake on your part.


Two old sayings come readily to mind:


"Don't let your ego write checks your body can't cash."


"Don't let your elephant mouth overload your canary a$$."



Seriously, have the good sense to retreat, regroup, or just quit when you
get that "oh-oh" feeling. The trail isn't going anywhere anytime soon (Mt
St. Helens not withstanding). You can always come back and do it another




Wandering Bob





-----Original Message-----
From: pct-l-bounces at backcountry.net [mailto:pct-l-bounces at backcountry.net]
On Behalf Of Andrea Dinsmore
Sent: Monday, May 16, 2011 9:14 PM
Subject: [pct-l] Missng hiker in the North Cascades


All you SOBO hikers take notice. This missing hiker is a Washington State
Highway Patrolman. Don't over step your snow ability with your ego.






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