[pct-l] SoCal weather!

Marion Davison mardav at charter.net
Mon May 16 21:20:03 CDT 2011

ned at mountaineducation.org wrote:
> Noticing that the weather is getting nasty out there!
> How are the thru hikers doing? Tents holding up? People staying warm and dry??
> What kind of weather is everyone experiencing, rain, snow?
We were doing trail work on Section C between Highway 18 and Van Dusen 
Road on Saturday and Sunday.  We saw lots of thru hikers, and we endured 
a very cold, windy night atop the ridge.  In the morning we hiked 
through five hours of blowing snowstorm.  It wasn't sticking, but it was 
certainly cold.  I was wearing everything I had with me, 4 layers, my 
standard summer High Sierra clothing set.  Polypro longies, pants, down 
vest, fleece, and top and bottom raingear, 2 neck gaiters, a fleece hat, 
fleece hood and raingear hood.  I was warm enough.
We got home about one PM, all of our gear was damp and muddy, and I was 
glad to get home to a hot shower and a warm bed and a long nap.
Today it never got above 60 at home in Apple Valley so I am sure it was 
another cold day for the hikers. Possibly wet as well.  A friend of mine 
ran a marathon in Pasadena on Sunday in buckets of cold rain.

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