[pct-l] Hiker rescued near Snow Creek/Fuller Ridge was NOT dehydrated

PCT List pctlist at gmail.com
Sat May 14 18:11:21 CDT 2011

Good grief.

Thanks TRex for communicating the first hand facts to us. We
appreciate your correction of the news story.

Idyllwild has 2 mexican restaurants, Arriba and La Casita for anyone
who is interested.


I never slandered any specific restaurant. The facts are that she ate
Mexican food in Idyllwild. She said it was from a restaurant. That's
not the definition of slander, that's just the truth. I am not sure if
it was the main restaurant that you are talking about. And nor do I
care to find out. My only concern is making sure the PCT community
knows that she was not an irresponsible or ill-equipped hiker. And you
are right, you can't prove her food borne illness came from a specific
place. I can only repeat the information I heard from her. I am not
worried about libel charges because I have called no particular
establishment out.

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