[pct-l] expired water treatment tablets

David Reeb dreeb9871 at yahoo.com
Tue May 10 10:07:42 CDT 2011

Hi all,

New to the list and frantically prepping for a thru starting May 16th! :)  

I have a stash of leftover Katadyn Micropur MP 1 water purifier tablets from my 
AT hike but they're over 2.5 years expired!  While I'd hate for them to go to 
waste I also don't want to take any unnecessary chances on the treatment not 

I have one chemist friend (one really smart dude) saying that the salts don't 
really have an expiration and to use them w/o worry... and then a pharmacist 
friend saying that 2-3 years expired on any drug is too far gone..

Any chemistry gurus on this list who can convince me that they're ok?! :D  

According to the package they contain Sodium Chlorite and Sodium 
Dichloroisocyanurate dihydrate.

Unless I hear otherwise, I'm disposing of them.


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