[pct-l] Family concerned about whereabouts of Hiker named Tickette

Melissa Amacher motomiss at gmail.com
Thu May 5 18:38:16 CDT 2011

Hi PCT Family,

I was contacted today by a family of a Canadian woman on the trail by the
name of Tickette (birth name is Carley). She is just under 5 feet and has
blonde curly hair. Her boyfriend contacted me 30 minutes ago saying he is
concerned because her SPOT stopped updating a few days ago and she was
planning on arriving in Idyllwild today.

I will assure him that SPOTs are not indestructible and something may have
happened to hers making her unable to contact the outside world. She was
last contacted at Warner Springs on Tuesday morning. I will also assure him
that everyone hikes at their own speed and figuring out your speed can take
a while.

If anyone knows about her whereabouts - her worried family would appreciate
a note. I can forward any info to them. Thanks for the help!

Buckeye (PCT thruhike 2010)

Inspiration through Outdoor Exploration

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