[pct-l] IDEAS on what stove to use when cooking for 4

Meridith Rosendahl meridith.rosendahl at gmail.com
Wed May 4 19:59:35 CDT 2011

Piper and Trailhacker, daughter and Significant Other-in-law, you crack me

Seriously, Charles, there are lots of families on the trail.  Some become
families along the way and some start out that way.  Your family will have
the time of their lives and will undoubtedly be welcomed heartily by the
hiking community.

That said, I agree that having separate gear for emergencies is a wise
choice.  Sometimes you have no choice about being separated if one of you
falls or becomes ill and has to be airlifted away from the rest of you.
What would the other 3 do if you were the one who had to be airlifted out?
Do you all cook?  Be good Boy Scouts and be prepared.

Have a great hike and I hope I get to meet you all next year.

Piper's Mom

>>It's not really a cultural thing at all for husbands and wives to
have all separate gear. Many do share but I think it's probably safer
to at least have shelter and food for each of you should you become
separated.  Diane<<

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