[pct-l] Clothing questions...et al...

David Thibault dthibaul07 at gmail.com
Sat Jan 29 15:17:29 CST 2011

Need is hard to call.  Do you need shorts?  On my hike I only had a long
sleeve shirt and pants (both light and breathable).  I felt the long sleeves
give better sun protection in the So. Cal desert section and in the
Seirra's. The sun can be pretty tough - especially when you are on snow for
several days.  My mosquito head net weight was so light that its weight was
irrelevant - I forgot the brand but it is super light - I carried it the
whole way.  There were sections I was very glad to have it.

One reason I like wearing long sleeve clothing is because I do not like the
feel of DEET slathered all over my body.  For mosquito protection, I wore
long sleeve clothes that I treated at Kennedy Meadows with permethrin which
I put into my resupply there.  This treatment didn't last very long but
helped.   It wore off on my pants very quickly due to all the stream

I then usually just spray my clothes with DEET and that works well.  The
only down side is that I found I need to use DEET in a an aerosol to get
good coverage on fabric and thus I have to carry a small can of bug spray
and cannot use something like Bens 100% DEET.

In mosquito country I have never complained about the weight of bug spray.

Food for Thought.  YMMV.


> .
> Do I need long pants and shirts to hike the PCT?  My only reference point
> was the AT that I needed none (hello the Green Tunnel).  I love to hike in
> shorts and short sleeves.... do I need a mosquito head net?  I love deet....
> lol.  On the AT there were a few bad places but I just deeted up.
> Flying Tortoise

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