[pct-l] Maps and the PCT Atlas

Brian Forestell briandid at telusplanet.net
Wed Jan 12 19:19:25 CST 2011

I have used both Half Miles maps and the PCT atlas.  Last year I used the Atlas when I section hiked Washington.  I was very disappointed with the atlas.  It was hard to read and had numerous elevation errors.  It was so bad in areas that I became convinced I was lost because the trail wasn't coinciding with the maps and the elevation profiles  in the atlas.  Many times I planned my water carrying to coincide with the atlas only to find there were numerous water sources that weren't marked.  Some of these sources were clearly year round creeks which weren't even marked as iffy sources.  I have read that there is going to be a new version available for the 2012 hiking season to correct some of these errors.  For what it is worth I really wished I had simply carried Half Miles free maps.  BTW I think Eric the Black is a great guy and did a pretty good job, the atlas just didn't seem to be fact checked back to the actual trail.  Half Mile should be really commended for this free service.  It will be excellent for his karma


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