[pct-l] long stretches bear can

Amanda L Silvestri aslive at sbcglobal.net
Tue Jan 11 21:27:55 CST 2011

After all these years I finely understand why they are called hiker trash.  Throwing rocks at bears and at their faces, or even sugesting it, lying to rangers, carrying food in bear country without proper storage, well they may have gotten away with it (from both the rangers and the bears) but this was totally irresponsible.  Come on guys, braking the rules doesn't make you smart or clever.  It makes you cheats.  It makes you dangerous, and not in a cool way, it gives the rest of us a bad name, it risks your food and the life of the bears.  Bragging about it only shows your further immaturity.  Did you learn nothing from your hike?  There is a lot to be said for hiking your own hike but even that has to have some rules.  I hate to get all high and mighty but SHAME ON YOU!  SHAME, SHAME, SHAME!


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