[pct-l] social interaction / dealing with disagreeable people...

Diane Soini of Santa Barbara Hikes diane at santabarbarahikes.com
Mon Jan 10 17:13:40 CST 2011

On Jan 10, 2011, at 8:03 AM, pct-l-request at backcountry.net wrote:

>  how do you guys on the trail deal with the people you don't get
> along with ?

I hiked on. They took a zero, I didn't. They followed me so I hiked  
faster than them or got up earlier than them. Or, I simply said it's  
been nice hiking with you have a great hike and continued on my way.  
Whatever worked.

> did anyone on here who has thru-hiked had a hard time finding a
> clique they fit in with?

I didn't find a clique I fit in with. I got away from everybody I  
met. That's not to say I didn't find wonderful people all along the  
way, though. I enjoyed my solitude, I didn't like talking while I was  
hiking and I didn't smoke dope. I enjoyed company in town, not on the  
trail, and for some strange reason, I seemed to fit in better with  
the long section hikers rather than the thrus. Maybe because I was  
also a long section hiker, although most people considered me a thru- 
hiker anyway.
> have you guys found the internet personalities on here to be  
> drastically
> different than what you experienced on trail? ...i have.

Yes indeedy! Didn't meet any dog eating snake stabbers or alcohol  
spewing forest burner-downers or bear killing ursack scofflaws or  
poopy rock smearers (oh, that's from last year, huh?). That's a JOKE  
to any of you who are suddenly outraged ready to send me emails  
telling me what a loser I am. Sheesh. Didn't meet any of those on the  
trail, either.

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