[pct-l] 2004 memories of 1971

Scott Williams baidarker at gmail.com
Sun Jan 9 01:39:44 CST 2011

Great story Jeffrey.  I started college the same year, and was doing blue
dot in Stoneman's meadow in Yosemite Valley, while you were in the high
country.  We were so stoned we actually made camp somewhere on trail outside
of Happy Isle right in the valley.  We were blitzed, but the nightly parties
in Stoneman's reminds me of the scene in the recent film, "Across the
Universe" where they're all in tall grass together.  Full out acid orgy.
 I'm not just called Shroomer because I pick gourmet mushrooms.  I too have
the history, and did my last hallucinogen, great psylocibin, about '76 or
'77 as well.  I went on to become really good at working with junkies and
other addicts, and made a career out of it.  Had to use that background for
some good.  I don't regret any of the wild, flat out experience of those
"trips" in the Sierra.  But we were driving the rangers crazy.  Sorry for

As a grad of Raymond, do you know Jinx McCombs who graduated a few years
before you, but has organized some of the reunions at her place on the
Mendocino Coast?  She's a dear friend, and a great gal, and owns with her
husband, Paul, some of the best porcini pickin' grounds on the West Coast.
 Just wondered.



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