[pct-l] Seiad Valley to Ashland

Diane Soini of Santa Barbara Hikes diane at santabarbarahikes.com
Fri Jan 7 08:39:34 CST 2011

On Jan 7, 2011, at 12:11 AM, pct-l-request at backcountry.net wrote:
> I am looking for some others' experience with the Seiad Valley-Ashland
> section.  What is the climb like out of Seiad Valley?
It was long and steep. I was trail hardened by then and didn't mind  
it at all.

> Was there
> meaningful cooling as elevation went up?
Yes, there was. But it was relative cooling. It was still pretty hot  
but compared to the valley below, it was much better.

> Any comments on water and
> camping sites to recommend (or to avoid) would be appreciated.
There is a spring part way up the climb. It's rumored to have a  
friendly rattlesnake living there. I didn't see it. (I suppose this  
year will be his last unless there's some way we can warn him of  
trouble coming.)

It will be easy to find a suitable camp spot, especially if are good  
at dry camping. I almost always dry camp on the PCT. I have no idea  
of your daily milage capability, but there were nice obvious places  
and little stealth campsites to be found. My memory is pretty hazy  
about campsites since I hiked the section in just over two days, but  
I do remember Kangaroo Spring and I saw some giant tents set up along  
with big vehicles above the trail somewhere near another spring and  
there was a shelter.

> It seems
> like there are lots of roads and side trails, so will a map and  
> compass
> be enough to stay on the track?

As you descend toward Ashland there are a lot of driveways and you  
have to kind of stay alert to the trail. Otherwise, I don't recall  
anything confusing about the trail at all.

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