[pct-l] Section-hiking and ultralight backpacking

Tom Hudson vertigelt at gmail.com
Tue Jan 4 11:56:43 CST 2011

I live in Los Angeles, 4 blocks from LAX.  So travel to section starts from
Campo through Tuolmne are going to be fairly easy for me.  Anything north of
there, I'll probably fly (also fairly easy, given my proximity to LAX).  My
biggest issue is time.  I have one of those jobs where I'm working all the
time (on the phone with India at odd hours, etc.).  I love what I do, so I'm
not ready to change jobs to support my outdoors habit.

I've been toying with the idea of going to ADZPCTKO, but April's a tough
month for me.  A wedding in New Orleans, and just the week before, I will be
participating in a 200-mile 24-hour relay race from Huntington Beach to
Coronado Island in San Diego.  A) I might be recouperating from that and
might not want to be on the trail quite so soon after; and, B) My fiancée
might not be thrilled about me being gone two long weekends in a row.  My
business partners might not be too excited about it, either.

But, anyway, those are just logistical concerns.  If it matters that much to
me, I can make it work.  Hanging out with a bunch of thrus at the start of
their journey would really be a good way to immerse me into this new
enterprise I'm embarking on.

Thanks for the pointers.  I'm looking forward to the transition to a new way
of doing something I loved in my adolescence and which I think will bring
back a certain spark that's been missing most of my adult life.  To think
that before I turned 18, I spent over a year of my life on the trail, and
then not a night since... is startling and sad.  Things must change.  But my
internal fire's stoked... and I can't wait!

On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 9:46 AM, Kevin Cook <hikelite at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 9:28 AM, Scott Williams <baidarker at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > But beware, I started out last year as a section hiker and after  a week
> or
> > two found I was having just too much fun to stop, and went all the way.
> That's one the most awesome things I've ever heard. :)
> Let's get MORE people to come to KO and then end up hiking all the way!
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