[pct-l] Onion Valley/Kearsarge commercial horse resupply

Diane Soini of Santa Barbara Hikes diane at santabarbarahikes.com
Mon Jan 3 17:19:39 CST 2011

This is one of the true gifts of hiking the PCT. The complete  
elimination of that anxiety over going up hills. Sure, sometimes I  
would crest a big mountain and see endless ridges ahead of me and  
know that I was going to hike up and over every single one of them-- 
probably today--and feel a little crestfallen, but then I'd just set  
about doing it and forget all about it.
On Jan 3, 2011, at 1:41 PM, pct-l-request at backcountry.net wrote:

> I always get a chuckle from the folks that check the elevation  
> profiles for
> each day trying to determine how hard the day is going to be.   
> After a while
> you just realize it doesn't really matter how much up or down there  
> is - you
> are just going to hike it and enjoy it anyway.
>  this new
> information made no impact upon our plans - we were both going to  
> be hiking.
>  I see hills or weather the same way - they are just a part of the
> trip/experience.
> Enjoy the PCT.
> Day-Late

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