[pct-l] Trail Jokes

Reinhold Metzger reinholdmetzger at cox.net
Sat Feb 26 05:31:42 CST 2011

LORD........don't get me going on this  "Trail Jokes"  
thing........Brick is going to hate me.

JMT Reinhold
On 2/26/2011 1:44 AM, Reinhold Metzger wrote:
> Say Buddy,
> You don't have to wait till 2062 to retire like that.....do like the 
> Mormons do.....get yourself half a dozen  "YOUNG"  wives, or girl 
> friends, put them all to work and enjoy the good life.
> You have to admit, the Mormons are smarter than you 
> think........Hhhhhmmmmm......I wonder if we could       put this 
> concept to work onthe trail and make trail life easier on the 
> guys.                                                       With half 
> a dozen women carrying our gear we could be ever so UL and enjoying 
> the good life. 
> JMT 
> Reinhold                                                                                                                                                  
> Enjoying the good 
> life                                                                                                
> ---------------------------------------------------
>   My  "Hiking Buddy" wrote:  Retirement at 107
>> *If this could be me...in 2062, I'd have a long last laugh.. *
>> http://finance.yahoo.com/focus-retirement/article/111841/view-of-retirement-at-107?mod=fidelity-livingretirement&cat=fidelity_2010_living_in_retirement 
>> <http://finance.yahoo.com/focus-retirement/article/111841/view-of-retirement-at-107?mod=fidelity-livingretirement&cat=fidelity_2010_living_in_retirement>**

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