[pct-l] stitches-don't do it

Hillary Schwirtlich hillary.schwirtlich at gmail.com
Wed Feb 23 17:19:22 CST 2011

> 2. While mountain biking many years ago, another biker came around a blind
> corner and we crashed head on, and somehow I ended up with his entire brake
> lever buried in my arm. Don't ask me how this happened, but there it was. I
> got back to the car, cleaned out the wound with water and hydrogen peroxide
> that I had in my car med kit, and bandaged it closed. We camped and went
> biking the next day, and I kept the would cleaned and filled with
> neosporin.
> It healed just fine, although that one left a scar. I thought about bailing
> to a hospital to get stitches, but it didn't seem necessary.
AAAAH! THAT is why I don't mountain bike.

(not dissing mountain biking... just found that I do NOT have the reflexes
or the ability to balance on two tiny wheels on a two foot wide trail on a

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