[pct-l] Number 1 Recommendation for Noob Thru Hikers-Hip Pack Pct-L Digest, Vol 48, Issue 31

Heather Darnell mom_and_alex at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 29 11:22:42 CST 2011

MendoRider - Yes - this is exactly what I have ben doing. I too have arthiritis in neck, spine and hip. Not yet a thru-hiker, but on every backpack trip I have put some essentials into my "waist wallet" (that also has a water-bottle pouch.)  This is also especially ideal for me for restroom stops - my pack stays with someone on trail, and the necessities are easier to manage from the front pack when I want them ;)

    Date: Tue, 27 Dec 2011 14:21:52 -0800 (PST)
    From: Edward Anderson <mendoridered at yahoo.com>
    Subject: Re: [pct-l] Number 1 Recommendation for Noob Thru Hikers
    To: ruffwork <ruffwork at ruffwork.com>,    "pct-l at backcountry.net"
        <pct-l at backcountry.net>
        <1325024512.61769.YahooMailNeo at web111617.mail.gq1.yahoo.com>
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

    I agree 100% with you ruffwork.?Always check out everything thoroughly before starting a long hike.?Most know me     as someone who rode his horse on the PCT.? Next summer, if all goes as planned, I will be hiking.? I always do a lot of     research and testing;?doing "check-out", multi-day rides. Before hitting the trail next summer I will be checking out my     new approach to backpacking. As a result of a past surgery, I have a somewhat compromised right shoulder. At 76, I also     have arthritis in my lower back.?I have come up with a "balanced solution" - my wife calls it a "balancing act".? I bought a     lightweight backpack and will also be carrying some of the weight in a 9oz Mountainmaster fanny pack - rotated     and carried up front. It transfers some of the?weight from my shoulders to my hips.?So far, on short test hikes, it seems     to work well. Has anyone else on this list tried that approach?

    From: ruffwork <ruffwork at ruffwork.com>
    To: pct-l at backcountry.net 
    Sent: Tuesday, December 27, 2011 12:47 PM
    Subject: [pct-l] Number 1 Recommendation for Noob Thru Hikers

    I've been hiking on the PCT for a while now and I'd like to suggest to all you class of 2012 thru hikers who are
    going out and getting all your new cool gear and stuff that the #1 thing you can do is


    Take your stuff out on a test drive!? Just even over night but better if it's 2-3 days and one will include rain!
    In that short hike you'll find all sorts of stuff that does not work on the trail that you thought would work when you were     at the keyboard ;-/
    When I get a new stove I cook with it at home for a week or so (yum, it's freeze dried Chili Mac tonight!).
    When I get a new sleeping bag or tent I set up in the back yard in a storm and camp in it several nights (my cats think I'm     crazy).
    Please do not learn how to use the new gear on-the-job...please?


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