[pct-l] All the legs/Thank you Scott

Edward Anderson mendoridered at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 19 20:50:50 CST 2011

I want to thank you for including a Stockman Forum in Postholer. It is really appreciated. Whenever I talk to an equestrian who aspires to ride on the PCT, I tell them about it. I'm sure that Susan does the same.
I wish you a wonderful Holiday Season.

 From: Scott <public at postholer.com>
To: pct-l at backcountry.net 
Sent: Sunday, December 18, 2011 12:07 PM
Subject: [pct-l]  All the legs

In terms of trail impact, YMMV:
Every unruly dog equals 1/4 of an unruly hiker
Every unruly llama equals 5 unruly hikers
Every unruly horse equals 10 unruly hikers
Every unruly pack train equals 100 unruly hikers

At some point I suspect mt bikers will make a full frontal legal claim 
to the PCT. What worries me the most, how can you allow a stock animal 
and deny a mt biker?

The denial of the disparity between the impact of a single bike .vs a 
single horse will be our collective undoing. Based solely on impact, 
there is no reason to not allow bikes.

For those in denial about the impact of your mode of transportation, ask 
yourself, "Am I actually helping mt bikers with their cause?"


As the discussions continue on the various groups that use and or 
maintain the trail we all love I would only offer this.
Not one group is better then the other and I think we can all easily 
look to our own kind and easily find a moment in
which we thought "You really didn't just do that".

In no particular order.

For every great dog I met I also ran across unruly dogs with bad manners 
and handlers.
For every great horse I met I also ran across unruly horses with bad 
manners and handlers.
For every great Stock train I met I also ran across unruly stock trains 
with bad manners and handlers.
For every great Llama I met I also ran across unruly Llamas with bad 
manners and their handlers.
For every great backpacker I met I also ran across unruly backpackers 
with bad manners.

Lots of groups do great things for the trail and also terrible things to 
the trail. We all need to take the
time to educate our own before we heap criticism on any other group.

Hiking Irish.
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