[pct-l] After the Hike

Russell Mease measerp at gmail.com
Wed Dec 14 12:37:49 CST 2011

Good Advice Charles.  I would urge thru-hikers who have the means and the
desire to consider long-term world travel after a thru-hike.  Why not take
advantage of this cross-roads in your life to travel around the world on
the cheap?  Stay in hostels, take trains and local transportation, do some
english teaching in an asian country.  It doesn't have to be expensive - I
backpacked for 4.5 months throughout Europe in 2005 on about $10K and it
could have been half that if I was a little more wise about spending and
travelled to a less expensive part of the world.  My plan is to travel in
Asia for 6 months to a year after my thru-hike.  My long-term plan is to go
back to school for another degree.  Check out Rolff Potts book - Vagabond:
An Uncommon Guide To The Art Of Long Term Travel.  (www.vagabonding.net)
You may never go back to a traditional 9-5 job again.  Just a thought!!

From: Charles Williams <charlesnolie at yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [pct-l] After the Hike
To: pct-l at backcountry.net, bighummel at aol.com
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I would urge you not to make big plans for after a distance hike.? You're
priorities after the hike may be different than they are now.? You may want
to persue a different direction for yourself after a thru-hike.? For some
it's a vacation from a world that they go back to.? For others it's a life
changing event and?the trip?might just be?a new?beginning.

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