[pct-l] After the Hike

bighummel at aol.com bighummel at aol.com
Tue Dec 13 12:17:55 CST 2011

My hiking partner and I both had to get back to college after our hike.  We both decided while hiking that we would like to understand the incredible exposures of geology on the trail and therefore went into geology.  The classes I took then, and the efforts I now put into my work, are so far below both the physical and mental limits that I learned on the trail, that they are and were simple.  My partner, Paul Hacker, and I are now, 34 years later, two of the most highly regarded geologists in our profession.  Both of us agree, that it is the trail and the incredible experiences we had, that continues to drive us in our work, in our families, and in the organizations in which we volunteer.  The experience, the journey didn't end at the border, it was just the beginning!

Greg Hummel

“My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.” 
								― Dalai Lama XIV	

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