[pct-l] After the Hike

Diane Soini of Santa Barbara Hikes diane at santabarbarahikes.com
Mon Dec 12 20:47:41 CST 2011

On Dec 12, 2011, at 10:00 AM, pct-l-request at backcountry.net wrote:

> Hey everyone, I have so many questions, I am always thinking of a  
> new one
> after each post. A candid question; What were some of the plans you  
> have or
> had as a thru-hiker when you completed (or not ) your hike?
I had no plans. I hoped to figure out what to do with my life on the  
trail. I didn't.

> A new job
> waiting, stay with friends or family, etc. 6 months is a long time  
> to be
> away from any responsibility.
Yes, it is. I'm grateful to Trailhacker for picking up the slack. I  
had a home to go home to.

> What was the impetus to start your hike,  (
> laid off, breakup, divorce, etc.)?
I was unhappy with my job. I had wanted to hike the PCT since I was  
10. I was 43 and had enough money to be unemployed for at least 2  
years. I thought I could figure out something new to do with my life.  
I didn't.

>  As of now, my biggest concern
> is not miles hiked, food drops, money (well, maybe a little), gear,  
> or the
> sheer magnitude of distance, but what am I going to do when it's done?
Some people gain real clarity out on the trail. I didn't. Out on the  
trail, every single minute is jam-packed with interesting amazing  
things. I never had time to think. I never found any answers to  

I spoke with a former thru-hiker while I was still on my hike. She  
told me that the people who do best have something to return to. I  
had a home, but no job to go back to. It took me a long time to be  
able to work again. I went on a few interviews and couldn't even  
answer simple questions. It was like cobwebs covered up all the  
knowledge I used to have. I knew I knew the answers I just couldn't  
find the words. So I got a low-stress part-time job, took classes and  
worked my way back within two years from my end date. I have a good  
job now, doing the same thing I used to do. Every day I think about  
the trail, though.

Other people go home and go to work the next day and are fine.

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