[pct-l] Section hiking in April

Kelsey Evans kelsey.evans at gmail.com
Wed Dec 7 16:23:28 CST 2011

Hi everybody,

My husband and I have been planning on thru hiking the trail in 2012 for a
few years now, BUT it just so happens that his band has their new album
coming out soon and he needs to be around for touring - so he can't take 5
months off.  Super bummer.  Anyway, we have compromised and found a way to
hike a month of the trail in April, a month in September, and then finish
the trail next summer.  I am getting nervous about section hiking the first
part of the trail that early.  Are we going to encounter lots of snow? I am
wondering if we should try to change that section to a little bit later?
Any input you have is very appreciated.

Thanks a lot!

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