[pct-l] Good luck to the PCT Class of 2011

Ernie Castillo erniec01 at hotmail.com
Thu Apr 28 15:37:27 CDT 2011

I want to wish good luck to the PCT Class of 2011 and happy partying at the kickoff.
I have been lurking on the PCT-L for over a year and I can't describe how envious I am.
Have fun.
Be safe.
Post plenty of pictures.
I received a message from a friend with whom I hiked the PCT in 1980. You might be interested to know that there is a "second generation" thru-hiker on the 2011 herd. I don't know his trail name. All I know is his first name is Adam and he is hiking with his friend Troy.
So if you bump into him, please congratulate him for being a 2nd Gen PCTer.

Ernie Castillo
PCT Class of 1980 and one third of the original 1980 GMC Expedition (GMC being Garrison, McKinney, Castillo) which eventually morphed into the Revolving Ramen


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