[pct-l] Garmin 60CSx halfmile' map question
Joshua Pinedo
joshua.pinedo at gmail.com
Wed Apr 20 19:04:59 CDT 2011
apparently there's a memory card error. At least thats what it says when I
put the microSD in the adapter and put it into a camera. Its weird, my
brother's laptop recognizes it, but for some reason when I plug it into my
laptop it has trouble reading it when I choose a device to send to in
Mapsource. I just went to best buy and bought a new 4G micro SD card and
same thing. this sucks.
On 20 April 2011 13:27, Ate Tuna <atetuna at gmail.com> wrote:
> When you put the memory card in your laptop, look for a file that's named
> gmapsupp.img and delete it. It will be recreated when you upload maps to
> it.
> I haven't tried it, but supposedly you can copy your gpx track and waypoint
> files to the memory card, which can save a lot of hassle. I believe it
> would go in the [SD-card]:\Garmin\GPX folder. If that doesn't work, no big
> deal, just put the card back in your computer and delete those files.
> On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 10:20 AM, Joshua Pinedo <joshua.pinedo at gmail.com>wrote:
>> I'm not sure why it happened, and I don't really remember what the error
>> message said, but I'm thinking maybe because it timed out. I do have a 4 G
>> memory card and it did come with a full size memory card adapter, I just
>> need to find a way to get it attached to my laptop. I think I'll take
>> you're advise, Ate Tuna, and try and transfer it to a memory card first and
>> then just pop it in the Garmin. Will I be able to just override the
>> information that may or may not have been copied to the micro SD already?
>> thanks,
>> JP
>> On 20 April 2011 12:09, Ate Tuna <atetuna at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> If the memory card that shipped with the unit is being used, then you're
>>> correct because that memory card only has 64 megs of storage, but Joshua
>>> said he had a 4 G card which I assume is 4 gigs. That should be more than
>>> enough space if he's just uploading the PCT states.
>>> On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 8:55 AM, Kolby Kirk <admin at thehikeguy.com>wrote:
>>>> I've had incredibly slow uploads (1-2 hrs) that have ended with an
>>>> error. If I remember correctly, it had to do with available memory,
>>>> as in not having enough of it. I'm unable to load more than the first
>>>> three PCT sections of Halfmile's waypoints due to memory.
>>>> Kolby
>>>> On Wednesday, April 20, 2011, Ate Tuna <atetuna at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> > 7 hours sounds incredibly excessive, but I've never tried transferring
>>>> maps
>>>> > directly to my Garmin. I prefer using a memory card reader and
>>>> transferring
>>>> > maps to that. Apparently it's faster, and it shouldn't screw up my
>>>> Garmin
>>>> > if the transfer process fails.
>>>> >
>>>> > On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 7:56 AM, Joshua Pinedo <
>>>> joshua.pinedo at gmail.com>wrote:
>>>> >
>>>> >> So yesterday I started the 4-6 hour map uploading process from
>>>> Halfmiles'
>>>> >> guidelines. I had about an hour left (it was uploading for 6 hours
>>>> by this
>>>> >> point), and I just couldn't for the life of me stay up any longer. I
>>>> woke
>>>> >> up this morning and there was an error message and I was pretty
>>>> distraught.
>>>> >> Has anyone experienced this? I saved my 24K Maps and The PCT overlays
>>>> in
>>>> >> Mapsource. Should I just go back to that same point and 'send to
>>>> device'
>>>> >> again and hopefully not get another error message? will it take 7
>>>> hours
>>>> >> again or has some information been saved on my 4 G memory card? Will
>>>> it
>>>> >> just rewrite over what was uploaded or will it pick up where it left
>>>> off?
>>>> >> My
>>>> >> main thing is wanting to know if I need a new micro SC card or not..
>>>> >>
>>>> >> sorry for all the questions..
>>>> >>
>>>> >> first GPS ever
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >> best,
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Joshua
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