[pct-l] Highway 88 PCT crossing south of Echo Lake

enyapjr at comcast.net enyapjr at comcast.net
Mon Apr 4 17:53:11 CDT 2011

Another alternative - not 'too far' S from Carson Pass - is the Ebbetts Pass TH off Hwy. 4.
Spur trail off the PCT is approx. 2/10 mile...
See page 4 of Halfmile's maps, <http://www.pctmap.net/pctdownloads/ca_section_j_map.zip>...

Re. question 2: fresh fruit is always appreciated (it will may even go faster than the beer, 
believe it or not)...  'Real' food - the "home cooking" will be devoured very quickly!!
Most thrus would probably be resupplying at South Lake Tahoe or Truckee, so I wouldn't worry 
too much about the "fuels"...

Happy trails!!!
Jim (PITA)

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