[pct-l] Emote usage

Robert Snook verdick at gmail.com
Wed Sep 22 13:05:37 CDT 2010

Oye, Greg, really?  I'm sorry, when you were explaining to me about your
early days of DARPAnet and grading papers being such a burden, I didn't
realize that your PhD was in internet emote etiquette.  There has not been
an international congress on the usage of smileys and their accepted usage.
A smiley face may be a smiley face, but it's meaning is different for
different people.  A smile in real life can have even more meanings,
depending on too many factors to mention.
Are you really going to put so much stock in what you take his meaning to be
by a couple little characters that you'll really get into a netiquette
quarrel with him over it?  He has explained himself and seen how people here
have a vastly different view and accepted that.

Verdick '05

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