[pct-l] Boots?

Austin Williams austinwilliams123 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 14 14:46:56 CDT 2010

Prepare to be envious.... I have never developed even one single blister on
the PCT (or any other trail since then)!
I don't know if I just got lucky or what.
Since I didn't go through any trial and error to get to this point, I don't
know if I'm going to be of much help for you.  After all, I might just have
really lucky feet.  But here's what I do when I'm going to be hiking
anywhere between 20 and 35 miles:

I wear running shoes that are just a tad 'too big' (according to the shoes
seller at the store).  Not too too big.... my feet don't slide around in
them or anything.  But my feet feel like they always have enough room.

I wear fake wool socks (or polyester running socks when it's hot) that feet
my feet perfectly.  They never slip down.  I never have to stop and pull my
socks up.  I think the proper fitting of a sock prevents the sock from
bunching up under my feet and causing discomfort.

I air out my feet at lunch - from the time I stop to the time I get ready to
hike again.  It feels very good.  Love it.  I take my shoes and socks off
and feel the ground under my feet.  Maybe that helps keep my feet dry.

Somedays I'll air them out when I'm just taking a (non-lunch) break too.  It
makes the break feel more like a *break*.

I change my socks every day after I'm done airing out my feet.  And I never
sleep with socks on unless it's freaking cold out that night (and in those
cases I change my socks again right before bed).

I always carry three pairs of aforementioned fake wool/polyester socks...

Also, (many people might think this is going overboard.. but I *love* my
feet*) I have a brand spanking new pair of socks sent to every resupply
point.  When I get there I throw away the oldest/nastiest of the pairs in my
pack and replace them with the new ones.  I do this at every resupply point.

Finally (again with the overboard, but remember... love man), whenever I
replace my footwear (about every 500 miles) I throw away all three pairs of
used socks and replace them with 3 brand new pairs.  Those are fantastic
days.  All new shoes, and all new socks.  Makes me happy just thinking about

That's what I do.  It works for me.  Fun actually.

I can't tell you much about how to deal with blisters once you have them,
since I just don't get them.  But I always planned on wrapping them with
duct tape if it ever happens.

Good luck!

Austin Williams

Info on PCT gear, resupply points, maps, movies, etc.

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway."
-John Wayne

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