[pct-l] bikes on trail

Marion Davison mardav at charter.net
Tue Sep 7 19:53:30 CDT 2010

Since I do a lot of "shoulder-season" hiking in Section C, I have had 
numerous confrontations with bike riders, and a few with motorcycle 
riders.  Since I am hiking with a string of several llamas, I stand in 
the way and don't let them pass.  I stand there with my hiking sticks 
and critters, explain to them that they are on the trail illegally, and 
deal with whatever they dish out.  Some are confrontational right back, 
others are abashed, turn around and go back, or take another trail if 
its available.  The vast majority of section C is lined with tire 
tracks.  Once I even met my doctor out there riding! His attitude is 
that it should be open to bikes so he is going to ride it regardless.

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