[pct-l] mountain bikes

lucymann at comcast.net lucymann at comcast.net
Tue Oct 26 09:32:53 CDT 2010

I am the one who started this thread after reading your journal entry and being brought to tears by what you described happened to you. I also encountered a biker on the trail near Snoqualmie Pass in Washington state and even though the one I encountered was polite I knew he was lying when he claimed he didnt' know he was on the PCT. I felt so impotent and wanted some advice from the group on how I could do more next time. The best advice I have read was from Trailhacker who said basically to just take their pictures and quietly inform them that they are riding illegally and then report to the proper authorities including the PCTA. That is what I am going to do in the future. I wish it were possible to give tickets but that would really only be possible if rangers could meet violators at trailheads as Diane suggested. 

I do not believe in damaging their equipment (that puts us in the wrong also) but I can understand someone wishing they could! :-) 

I just feel that this is an important topic and that everyone who loves the PCT should be actively participating in protecting it from anything/anyone that hurts it. 

Maybe if this topic is discussed enough we will all come to a consensus on what actions to take that are effective in protecting the trail. 

Lucy Mann 


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