[pct-l] 80 lbs

hetchhetchyman at aol.com hetchhetchyman at aol.com
Mon Oct 25 18:40:34 CDT 2010

Diane wrote: 

Anyway, I'm glad the returning hikers are posting again because now  
there will be more realism when it comes to gear recommendations and  
you all won't think Chuck and I are the only whack-jobs out there who  
wear trail runners instead of boots, carry sub-20lb base weights or  

I know you hiked in 2009 Diane though we never met. I had to laugh when I read this because my recollection is that 99% of my thru-hiker buddies have light packs and tennis shoes. I can't tell you exactly what each person carried but I know that many at least told me they were in the 20 lb or less base weight category. A large number were in the 15 lb range. And a few folks were 10 lbs or less. My personal experience on the PCT was the only folks that had huge packs were on overnight trips or hiking the JMT. I am not saying it is wrong or right but the overwhelming majority of people I met hiking all or a section of the PCT and CDT carried as light a pack as possible. It is interesting that the "heavy weight" folks I met always tried to rationalize their pack to me even though I never said a word. These folks were always quick to point out how small my pack was. One fella on the CDT said "I could carry a tiny pack like yours.. but I like to be comfortable." I thought it was funny cause I am perfectly comfortable with my 12 lbs of gear. HYOH. Judging a persons readiness to meet the challenge of a trail by what gear they do or do not carry is ridiculous. The gear carried is only as useful as the strategy used to employ that gear by the hiker that carries it. The reality on the trail these days is lighter packs and the lighter footware they allow. That does not mean a person that carries 80 lbs is "wrong" any more than it is wrong to carry only 10 lbs. Each of us must find what works for ourselves. However the reality is that among thru-hikers very very few folks finish with 80lbs these days. Not saying they can't but I did not see a single one on either trail. I wonder why that is?  

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