[pct-l] cyclists

Melanie Clarke melaniekclarke at gmail.com
Mon Oct 25 16:13:02 CDT 2010

Dear PCT,

The first thing I would like to propose for the safety of all involved would
be that Mountain bikes need a certain trail width before they are allowed.
What does everyone think is a safe width?  I'm thinking along the lines of
6'-8' or maybe the width of a single lane road?   Mountain bikes do not
belong on a trail that only has room enough for one person or bike.  This is
a reasonable requirement as what if another bike were coming from the other
direction, both going 15 mph?  Their collision would be a 30mpg impact.
Taking on a tree or rock at even 15 mph is not good.  There HAS to be enough
room for 2 way traffic; for a hiker to stand on one side, 2 cyclists to
pass, or room for the cyclist to go around the hiker.  Children go hiking
with their parents, we can't endanger children who may not be able to jump
off a single file trail in time to avoid a bike.  This would offer the
general public simple instructions for compliance.  All the multi use trails
in our Santa Clara County Parks seem to be the width of a single lane road
and we peacefully coexist.  I feel safe going for a run and the mountain
bikes and horses just go around me.  This would leave plenty of trails for
the mountain bikers to do their thing and would leave all the nice remote,
wilderness trails for our thing.  The best thing about this is "who could
even argue with this suggestion"?  It is so sensible that we could get a
huge number of people on "our side".

Maybe we could start a CA initiative that proposes such a guideline state
wide.  I think we can keep things simple and just focus on the safety
aspect.  We are even protecting mountain bikers from themselves.  Many of
our laws do this.  We have seat belt laws, child seat laws.  People won't
even keep their children safe unless we force them to do so with laws.
Bikes could still be welcome on a single file trail if a sign allows them to
do this.  The multi use Rincon Trail connects Hwy 9 to UC Santa Cruz and
cautions everyone to look out for each other.  Many students use this
conduit to access the campus by foot or bike and this seems to work as a
peaceful co-existence to get to class or for a mommy to ride in from San
Jose to visit her kid (-:

We can all be united as a voice of reason and peaceful co-existence.  One
can get kicked out of a cycling club for not observing safety rules and this
is in fact, all about safety for everyone.

Please give me your suggestions and feedback about the trail width
requirements for cyclist to share the trail.


On Mon, Oct 25, 2010 at 10:31 AM, Robert Snook <verdick at gmail.com> wrote:

> > I think we can try to point out the error of their ways but like the
> > DR that sped past llamalady there are those that will not respond in
> > a positive manner to correction. I would encourage hikers to carry at
> > least one raw egg for such events ! ). (snort, chortle and snicker)
> >
> > Bill
> Llamalady already had an ample supply of llama poo to fling about.  Leaves
> a
> much more lasting impression!
> Verdick  '05
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