[pct-l] Giardia / Polio

Diane Soini of Santa Barbara Hikes diane at santabarbarahikes.com
Sun Oct 24 10:03:28 CDT 2010

On Oct 23, 2010, at 8:43 PM, pct-l-request at backcountry.net wrote:

Just for the record, my source of information was a PBS documentary  
and either this month's or last month's issue of Discover Magazine.

Whenever conversations degrade into "cite your sources" and "I stand  
by my statements" it's because the conversation has drifted away from  
the real issue into hurt feelings.

If people are truly concerned about water quality, all this energy  
could be better spent doing something about pollution. Meanwhile,  
hike your own hike, don't shake hands with hikers, use hand sanitizer  
liberally, don't let anyone stick a hand in your bag of gorp, don't  
use the same knife that you picked your feet with to slice your  
fruit, and for chrissakes if you do, don't save that fruit for later  
unrefrigerated. I speak from experience on that last one.

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