[pct-l] Water treatment

William A. Chavez wctrekker at dslextreme.com
Fri Oct 22 13:34:23 CDT 2010

Every time I "chime" in on this subject it doesn't get posted?  Here  
"Polar Pure" is banned from retail sale in CA.  People have confused  
it with "Aquamira" ( 1 word) and "Potable Aqua."

It is a good product, lasts indefinitely and costs about $16.  I used  
it on the JMT and I did not catch any "bugs."  I can't say if I was  
lucky or the product did what it was supposed to do?  It does come in  
a glass bottle so that may be a problem for some people. If you  
"Google" the above words you can see what the manufactures of each  
say about their own products. (I hope this gets published otherwise  
my feelings will be hurt, whaaaa)


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