[pct-l] Thoughts on having a full time trail angel.

Diane Soini of Santa Barbara Hikes diane at santabarbarahikes.com
Sun Oct 10 09:38:47 CDT 2010

On Oct 9, 2010, at 9:54 PM, pct-l-request at backcountry.net wrote:
> I'm starting preparations for the PCT this April. I have a roommate  
> that
> would like to make the trip in an RV

It's been done before. Not a big deal at all. I can think off the top  
of my head Chuck and Tigger, Li'l Wrangler and his girlfriend (can't  
remember her name), Hike On and Free Spirit (although she was more  
sporadic and only dropped in from time-to-time), Jelly Bean and her man.

Your friend should be mentally prepared to deal with the hoards who  
will also want his help. He'll probably get a lot of requests for  
rides and other assistance. This will actually be a bigger deal for  
him than for you, possibly a huge pain in the rear end if he's not up  
for it, or else the most fun he's ever had in his whole life if he  
gets into it. Read some trail journals if you can find any of these  
folks online to get an idea what it might be like.

For you there is the "risk" that you'll use his services to skip  
around on the trail and if you are a perfectionist or have purity  
issues with how to do a hike like this, you could end up sabotaging  


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