[pct-l] New PCT Guidebook

enyapjr at comcast.net enyapjr at comcast.net
Thu Oct 7 11:03:20 CDT 2010

> If "Erik the Black's" gudebooks are anything like his blog site, they may be difficult to use and
> signficant overkill.

By that comment, I must assume you haven't had the 'opportunity' to have a good look at one of the 
"PCT Atlas" volumes...  (<http://pacificcresttrailmap.com/>; it looks like he's in the process of 
revamping the website for the 3rd edition release - automatic forward to the new URL from the 'old'
<http://www.pctatlas.com/> one)

> ...how do these items really compare???

As for 'comparing' the new PCT guidebook to other publications, see
for an overview and further info (available now from Cicerone in the UK, published Sept. 21, 2010)...  
The guidebook is approx. 6.77" x 4.57", 352 pages (thickness & weight not given) - this derived from 
the pdf "Information Sheet" (and in typical thru-hiker fashion would probably be torn apart into 4 or 
5 major trail sections)...
Click on "More images" (under book cover photo), then "Sample Route" to see 'maps'...
The 'maps' are sketches with notations, without topo lines - but a simplified profile is provided...
It can be pre-ordered from Amazon at <http://tinyurl.com/3ydz7gn>...
Amazon gives a publish date of Nov. 14, 2010 (perhaps that's the USA distribution availability)...  
Also note that Amazon gives dimensions of 6.8" x 4.6" x 0.9", 384 pages, and shipping weight of 15.5 
ounces (I have no idea how much of that weight is 'packaging' allowance!)...

It will definitely be added to my PCT library (will pre-order it!), however for 'on-trail' I'll stick
with the "PCT Atlas" by Erik...  It has all the info I need while on-trail, and the Atlas has topo maps
(I was raised using topo maps in the backcountry and I prefer to 'see' the terrain around me on a map)...  As for cost - it's just another important piece of 'gear' to match my 'style' of lightweight backpacking...  
For those that are more cost conscious, don't forget about Halfmile's maps, too: <http://www.pctmap.net/>...

As with most things 'PCT' (in this case 'gear') - HYOH...  ;-)

> Well, it nice to give a friend a "plug"...

Yes, I consider Erik a 'friend' - as I do so many others in the PCT community that I have not had the 
good fortune & pleasure to meet in person (including Halfmile) - but our paths will cross eventually!
I was fortunate in meeting and talking with "Ancient Brit" in Etna a few years back, and from that short
encounter I'm sure his "The Pacific Crest Trail" guidebook will be used and appreciated by many in the
PCT community...  I look forward to receiving my copy!!

> Wondering if they have an AT guide book.

A search of Cicerone's website for "AT", "Appalachian", & "Appalachian Trail", results in "No Results"... 

Happy trails!!!
Jim (PITA)

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