[pct-l] Bear canisters

AsABat asabat at 4jeffrey.net
Fri Oct 1 15:08:44 CDT 2010

Specific rules for SeKi and Yose at

The SeKi site says "*Canisters are required* in three
the wilderness from the Friday of Memorial Day through October
31. *Canisters are required* in three
the wilderness from the Friday of Memorial Day through October
31. " Yes, it mentions food lockers as a second choice, but the "required"
above trumps this; i.e., food lockers can be used in off season and in other
than these 3 areas.
The three areas include these areas on the PCT: Siberian Pass to Guyot Pass,
Forester Pass to Pinchot Pass, and the area around Le Conte Ranger Station
at the junction of the Bishop Pass Trail.

The map they link to is dated 2007, not sure but I thought there was a newer
bear reg map.

I've seen on this list the idea that bear boxes were for use only by
thruhikers, but have never seen this printed on anything official. The
rangers I've met over the years admire thruhikers but have expressed concern
that thrus think they are outside the law and don't always follow the rules
they should (illegal campsites and campfires, bear cans being a few) and
aren't always as prepared for bad weather. In other words, don't look for
special privileges because thruhikers before you have already blown it.


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