[pct-l] question for females

Kris Wallace fiddlekris at gmail.com
Sat Mar 20 13:38:21 CDT 2010

>> Diane wrote:
>> If you ever come to a fork in the road and one option is a hysterectomy,
take it.

Taken literally ("a fork in the road"), that sounds PAINFUL!!  Sure that'd
be an option, but I'd rather eat with it.  :-)

>> Diane wrote:
>> I wish I had known about the Diva cup before I got a hysterectomy. I wish
there had been something like that long ago.

Yeah, I'm surprised there aren't more people choosing that (or the sea
sponges or glad rags, etc) over buying wasteful disposable tampons or
maxipads.  But it's just like disposable plasticware, styrofoam cups, and so
much else in our society -- people choose what they perceive as being
cheaper or easier over what's better for us & our environment.  Of course,
none of it is cheaper in the long run, and what's "easier" does not usually
result in happier experiences.  Albeit I'm easily amused, but I get such joy
from using my diva cup or glad rags rather than going through the whole
routine with the conventional products.

happy period-less hiking to you!

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