[pct-l] Sobo Washington Section L

Nathan Hills hillsnr at gmail.com
Sun Jun 27 16:45:11 CDT 2010

Just finished section from Manning to Hart's Pass and hitched back to
Portland. Trail is quite difficult in places, definitely requires either GPS
or great navigating skill (with proper maps). Also heavily recommend Ice
Axe, as I had it in hand from Devils Stairway to Hart's Pass and it really
saved me a few times.

Not sure how the snow condition with be changing for better or worse now
that the sun is showing most days, but I expected worse, and I would
seriously discourage anyone without Mountaineering experience from
attempting the trail. Might be clear in a few weeks, though, so good luck to
anyone trying! I will be starting from Cascade Locks south on the 5th

Big Boots

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