[pct-l] Recommendation for some one-week PCT trips in the Sierras with Kids

Joel Fisler pct at fisler.ch
Wed Jun 2 21:16:56 CDT 2010

Dear PCT-Hikers,
I am a section hiker (currently did sections A, B and E - will start section C and D this weekend) and trying to do some rough planning for summer holidays. My son (12 years) will be out of school in Mid-June and we will go back home to Switzerland in Mid-August. From Mid-July till Mid-August one of his friends (13 years) from Switzerland will visiting us. Thats the situation and I am trying to figure out a rough schedule of the summer holidays. I was thinking of doing two or max. three weeks on the PCT, maybe a week in late June with my wife and our son and maybe another week or two in July or early August with the second kid accompanying us. I was thinking that maybe 60 to 70 miles maximum is reasonable, kids should be challenged but not loose all the fun in hiking in camping because its unreasonable hard or dangerous. Just from reading blogs and researching the Internet I was thinking about doing maybe this:
- Late June: Trail Pass-Mt. Whitney-Whitney Portal (I have a permit for Whitney Portal). Does anyone know if its possible to leave the car at Trail Pass or Whitney Portal for a week?
- First week of August: Reds Meadow to Tulomne Meadows (could be combined with a day or two biking in Mammoth Lakes which we promised the kids...)
- Third week trip? To the VVR from Bishop Pass Trail? Or before that around Mather Pass? Or after Tulomne Meadows? Would you do Whitney in August and Yosemite in June?

Since I dont know the area I would be happy to hear from which sections you would recommend as a max. 7-8 day hike with maybe a 10 mile per day average. Where would you go if you could choose? Where in the Sierras would you send a foreigner that has never been in the area? I was thinking that both Mt. Whitney and Yosemite National Park are much mentioned highlights and thus also nice places to visit but maybe thats not true at all? Where can we leave our car while hiking? Recommendations for good Hotels to relax after the hike? 

I am thankful for any advice from locals :-)

Joël Fisler - joel at fisler.ch - http://blog.fisler.ch

HOME:	109 Muerdago Rd., Topanga, CA 90290
PHONE:	+1 (774) 2FISLER or "joelfisler" (Skype)
CHAT:	fisler at mac.com (Messenger & iChat)

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