[pct-l] Baby backpacks

em ozzy ozzyemm at gmail.com
Fri Jul 23 13:04:05 CDT 2010

I personally do not like the full frame carriers.  They add SO much weight
to the simple act of carrying a child.  For me I used an asian style padded
carrier from here: babyhawk.com.  Its a lot of tying, which some people
don't like, but you get used to it.  I carried my child from infancy in
this, and it was SO light, and never hurt my back when worn properly.

Babyhawk also carries an ergo-style carrier (or you could just buy an ergo)
with buckles.  All of the carriers mentioned are great for hikes.  They are
a bit pricey (about $100) BUT, I bought my carrier when my son was 6 months
old, and I still carry him in it on long day hikes.

An advantage over the Kelty is you can fold up the carrier and place in a
pack or tie it cumberbund style over your belly, so when the child is
walking, you don't carry an empty (HEAVY) carrier.

I am headed out the door, so I am sure I missed something ;).  Feel free to
email me off list if you have more questions.


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