[pct-l] Blackberry GPS
list at lon.net
Tue Feb 23 10:56:12 CST 2010
I have switched to an iPhone and use an app called Basic GPS app to
read UTM coordinates. This works very well for me on the iPhone.
I never really used the Backberry GPS when I carried one the first
year I hiked, but I also carried a Garmin GPS that I used to log the
trail for my maps, so the Garmin had everything I needed as far as a
GPS. I did a quick Google search and noticed this Blackberry app which
claims to support UTM coordinates:
UTM coordinates work really well but be aware of potential issues with
map datums. Your GPS and whatever paper maps you are using need to be
set to the same map datum (in the US it will be either WGS84 or
NAD27). My free maps at www.pctmap.net use the WGS84 map datum
specifically to make it easier for smart phone users. Smart phone apps
often support only WGS84 (although the Basic GPS app supports NAD27
with a $2.99 add on). Most printed maps (USGS, Forest Service, PCT
Atlas, Tom Harrison) use NAD27. If your use the incorrect map datum
for your maps, you will have a position error of about 200 meters N-S
and about 20 meters E-W along the PCT. If anyone is really interested
in this I can explain it further.
On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 8:19 AM, Peter Shaw <shawonpct at msn.com> wrote:
> Last year I tried to do exactly what Gadget suggests - get GPS coordinates
> out of the Blackberry Bold and use those to geolocate on Halfmile's maps.
> Unfortunately, after scouring the Blackberry App World I couldn't find
> anything that would display UTM coordinates. If you use the refresh gps
> setting on the Blackberry, it generates lat/long in deg / min.min
> coordinates. I did find GPS Tracker which is a free app that is used to
> provide a real time track of your phone on a web site - presumably to track
> your kids whereabouts. GPS Tracker produces lat/long in deg.deg units. So I
> bought Topo for the three western states and generated my own maps with
> deg.deg as the coordinate system, not UTM. I was also able to make the trail
> line much clearer for my aging eyes to see. It was a lot of work - printing
> Halfmile's maps would have been a lot easier and a lot cheaper. I think the
> Blackberry apps have expanded significantly over the last year so maybe now
> there is a navigation tool that can produce UTM coordinates. I met a guy on
> trail with an iPhone and he had a navigation app that displayed all the
> various coordinate formats.
> I also played with Topoexplorer but was so unimpressed with the daft world
> map they provide and the lack of examples of how the software would be of
> any use on the trail I threw it out.
> Peanut Eater
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